NY55D Series High Power DWDM DFB Laser

  • NY55D series laser component is characterized for use as a wavelength selected, high-power optical source in combination with an external modulator in CATV and DWDM networks, especially for super trunking and distribution. Selected wavelengths comply with ITU Grid recommendations, both in range and in channel definition.
  • NY55D series is equipped with polarization maintaining (PM) fiber and DC-coupled with a built-in TEC, thermistor, and monitor photodiode. The device is mounted in a 14-pin, OC-48 pin-out compatible butterfly package with the optical isolator inside the package.


Features of NY55D Series High Power DWDM DFB Laser

  • High-Dynamic-Range
  • Low Threshold Current
  • High Output Power
  • 14pin Butterfly Package
  • Operating Case Temperature: -20 to 70℃
  • High Reliability
  • Up to 100mw high power output
  • Polarization Maintaining (PM) fiber

Applications of NY55D Series High Power DWDM DFB Laser

  • DWDM
  • CATV
  • Free Space Optics

NY55D Series High Power DWDM DFB Laser Selection

Electrical / Optical Characteristics ( TC = 25 ± 3 ℃ )
Bandwidth (-3dB,I=200mA)S211Ghz
Optical output powerP40 mW version, T = Tset, IF = IOP40mW
50 mW version, T = Tset, IF = IOP50
63 mW version, T = Tset, IF = IOP63
80 mW version, T = Tset, IF = IOP80
100 mW version, T = Tset, IF = IOP100
Thershold currentIthBOL40mA
Operation currentIop40 mW version, BOL280mA
50 mW version, BOL350
63 mW version, BOL450
80 mW version, BOL580
100 mW version, BOL650
Operation voltageVopBOL, IF = IOP2.5V
Peak wavelengthλT = Tset, IF = IOP1550nm
Rative intensity noiseRIN-160dB/Hz
Side-mode suppression ratioSMSR30dB
Polarization extinctionratioPERI= IOP17dB
Wavelength drift over TC Range∆λTOPT = TOP40pm
Thermistor resistanceRthTOP=25℃9.51010.5
Thermistor Temp. CoefficientsTCTHTOP=25℃-4.4%/°C
TEC currentItec-20℃<TC<70℃-11.5A
TEC voltageVtec-20℃<TC<70℃-23V
RF impedanceZin40 MHz – 1002 MHz16Ω
Monitor PD currentImIF = IOP , VMPD = -5 V0.12.5mA
Monitor PD Dark current (PD)IdIOP = 0 mA , VMPD = -5 V0.2uA

Typical & Absolute Maximum Rating
Laser forward DC currentIf750mA
Laser reverse voltageV2V
Photodiode Reverse VoltageVR10V
Operation temperatureTo-2070°C
Storage temperatureTs-4085°C
ESDHBM: R = 1500 Ω, C = 100 pF-500500V

Notes: All laser chips come from wafers that have been certified using a representative lot of devices that must achieve an acceptable yield for burn-in.

Typical Data


Electrical Schematic

1328546424552267777 1
4PD anode11GND(LD+)
5PD cathode12RF IN

Dimension and Pins ( Unit: mm[inch] )


Ordering Information

NY55D Series High Power DWDM DFB laser


  • The fiber bending radius is no less than 20 mm to avoid fiber damage.
  • Be sure the fiber coupling facet is clean before connecting it to the Opto-circuit.
  • Suitable ESD protection is required in storage, transportation, and use.

We are happy to provide you with commercial services. If you have any questions or needs about our laser diode module, please feel free to contact us.